17 June 2013

RevSoc Platform

RevSoc is a new society for socialists, revolutionaries and anti-capitalists aiming to create radical activist networks on campus and beyond. Below are our basic principles, adopted at our first meeting. These are subject to change by simple majority vote.

We are an organisation committed to the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism and the construction of a socialist society.


We will fight every form of social oppression – down with sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, disableism, islamophobia and xenophobia.

We believe in full equality and liberation for all oppressed groups; this means the right to caucus in every political, social and public institution. We support the right for oppressed groups to self-organise within RevSoc.

We oppose Imperialism and its wars: Down with NATO; For one secular state for all in Palestine; For Nuclear Disarmament.

No to cuts – fund jobs and services by taxing the rich. Fight for a workers’ government based on democratic councils of the working class to open the road to the socialist transformation of society.

No to Fascism – no platform for fascists on campus, on the streets, in local and national government and in the media.

We are against racist immigration controls – open the borders, citizenship rights for all.

We believe in the living wage for all workers and grants for those in education. Share out the work with no loss of pay to abolish unemployment. Let workers inspect company accounts with nationalisation for businesses which sack workers.

We believe in free education and healthcare for all. Full reproductive rights including abortion on demand.

We believe that capitalism kills the planet – for workers’ control of production to challenge environmentally damaging practices and plan the creation of 100% renewable energy production.

We believe that sectarianism is toxic in the fight for socialism, we will work with all on the left, and hold a dual-membership policy – you don’t have to leave your organisation to be in ours. This does not mean we will tolerate oppressive behaviour or bullying, which will be dealt with on a case by case basis.

We are internationalists – for revolution and socialism worldwide!